More Clarity, Confidence, Trust and Freedom, it's a tall order, I get it. But I KNOW that it's possible. It's found in the zone where you feel your most authentic self.
It's a place where self doubt dissolves and trust expands, where comparison and imposter syndrome don't exist. A place where inner KNOWING is clear and courage leads your forward. And it's what we need now.
It comes from tuning into your souls calling and aligning with what it is that you were born to do and what it is you most desire. So you can hold that big vision in front of you while you traverse your next steps in the HERE AND NOW.
Today I'm sharing with you my five steps for alignment to ALCHEMIZE your mission, values, gifts and desires for unapologetic confidence + joy in the way that ONLY YOU CAN.
Explore each one to see where you feel opportunity for more growth and connection to your authenticity and purpose.
1. Transform challenges into fuel in service of your WHY 2. Cultivate energy in service of your VISION 3. Harness your leadership archetype ENERGY 4. Become more empowered by your PURPOSE 5. Develop massive SELF TRUST in your intuition ​
On October 17th inside The Feminine Leadership Collective I'm hosting our first Quarterly Deep Dive: THE ALIGNMENT FORMULA a five day live workshop series, incorporating breathwork and group coaching for unwavering self trust and developing your authenticity to show up with more clarity and confidence in the way that only you can and create the next steps toward what you most desire.
I would love to see you there!
HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL RECEIVE INSIDE THE COLLECTIVE:​ ~ Monthly Live Workshops ~ Monthly Live Breathwork ~ Quarterly Deep Dive Session ~ Community Network ~ Monthly Rituals ~ Mentors ~ Access to Lisa Malia's Private Breathwork Portal of on-demand sessions ~ IG Live Leadership Coffee Chat/Interview Invitation with Lisa Malia ~ First access tickets and promo's to upcoming programs and events.
Our first Quarterly Deep Dive October 17 - 21 THE ALIGNMENT FORMULA My signature method for unwavering self trust and developing your authenticity for showing up with more clarity and confidence in only the way you can. ​ Are you ready?
Use the button below for all the details and
payment options available now.
I believe that women like you have a unique role in the next paradigm of leadership and that it's up to us to create a new way of being and leading and showing up for the work you do, so that you can create the impact you desire with regenerative practices in full alignment with your calling and souls purpose for deep satisfaction, joy and a lasting legacy. And I know we can best do this in community to amplify our intentions and our collective will.
With love,
Lisa Malia