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How to Create More Freedom in Your Work

I wanted to share a few things with you today and give you the Alignment Practice I use with my clients so you can tap into the freedom, impact and possibility that comes from living from your most authentic and powerful place.

Some people think alignment is rigid, that you can only be in alignment on a very narrow path. It isn't! Alignment is expansive in the most glorious way. In fact it releases you from the obligation of things that are inauthentic to you. Alignment brings freedom, expression, deep satisfaction, energy and joy.

And I want nothing more than more women living and thriving and doing their most magnificent work in the world sharing their authentic gifts, wisdom and strength. The Alignment Practice Journal prompts are below for you to contemplate and I'm so curious what comes up for you. Feel free to reply to this email if you wish to share with me.

First, I want to make sure you saw the early enrollment Bonus for EVOKE Body Love and Wisdom Workshop is coming up on June 30th. Head over to > EVOKE, The Embodied Leadership Immersion for all the details and to register. If you have any questions please reply to this email and we can chat.

Second, If you want to dive in but you prefer 1:1 coaching, I have two spots available right now for private clients. Just reply to this email and we can begin. I'll schedule some time to connect with you and we'll start with VIP deep dive retreat day. Journal Prompts for Alignment Practice Bring into your awareness the full vision for your life, who are you in that vision, what is your purpose, what do you desire, and what energy are you holding that is serving the highest good for this vision? Connect that vision to your WHY, root into the foundation for your vision, feel all the support you have and name each one. See the impact of this vision, who and what will be touched by it, how will it grow? What needs to shift and what needs to be released for it to have the space it needs? What steps can you take to support this path? Give yourself permission to say no to things that are in opposition to your authenticity and purpose. Feel the joy and excitement of living in alignment with your purpose, vision and desire. xo Dive into this and more with me in the Discover Your Leadership Free Masterclass, June 27 - 30, 2022 I hope to see you there!

With much love,

Lisa Malia


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