This year, nothing went as planned and Thanksgiving looked very different than it traditionally looks for me. Yet it turned out to be one filled with love, generosity, sisterhood, blessings, fun and family.
When I reflect on it I suppose what stands out to me most from this last week, is how much gratitude can grow when it's shared.
Usually for Thanksgiving my family gathering is so big we need to use the local church kitchen and gathering hall to accommodate all of us. I have two brothers and three sisters and 20 plus nieces and nephews, many of them are married and now have children of their own too.
For so many reasons, gathering in that way was not an option this year and at one point it looked like I may even end up spending Thanksgiving alone. Which was going to be weird and new for me and, I was also truly ok with it.
But as fate would have it, I was called back to Southern California, plans had changed for my youngest daughter and I was needed there. We thought, well at least we would be together and we were so happy for that.
Then, my incredible soul sister who lives nearby called to invite us to spend Thanksgiving Day with her, in her home with her family. I had never met her family in person but there was no hesitation for me or my daughter. If we could be there we absolutely would be.
You see, this sisterhood that we have consciously chosen and devoted to over the years has resulted in a deep connection that expands far beyond us. It means that our extended families also benefit from this bond and when the opportunity came for us to gather together in gratitude and thanksgiving we felt welcomed and wanted and like family. It was both magical and completely natural. We played, we ate, we napped, we laughed and teased and just enjoyed this moment in time together.
I tasted a new flavor of gratitude yesterday, one that I want to learn to cultivate more of, one that I want to share with others, so they can experience it too.
I was full of love and gratitude even when it was contracted and I was planning to be alone. It began to overflow in every layer of expansion as plans evolved to include more than I had imagined and I feel a deep desire to create more of that limitless possibility in my life.
May you also receive more love than you thought possible,
In gratitude,
Lisa Malia
Please also mark your calendars for two very special upcoming events:
December 6, 2021 - A Course in Connection to Your Purpose, a free week-long series of workshops to connect with your divine wisdom and sacred purpose with intention and sisterhood for a more joy filled life. Details to come.
December 12, 2021 REIMAGINE & EMBODY RETREAT Clear the path for a new way forward to create space for deeper clarity and unapologetic joy in the year ahead....
This virtual retreat is normally priced at $497. I'm offering it at $197 with a $50 savings for Black Friday. Now you can attend for $147. Prices go back up next week!
A BONUS for you! After you register you'll receive my Body & Breath Bundle for Clarity free, as my gift to you so you can begin right away.
Are you ready to clear the path and embrace a new way forward?
Black Friday - Cyber Monday Deal! Use the button below to access all the information and sign up at this incredible price.