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Working With The New Moon in Taurus

Embody this without any apologies... and commit to the practice.

⬇️ It's integration time beloveds. Taurus energy brings us back to earth and reminds us to ground, be present and connect with the wisdom of your body.

⬇️ The downloads are bountiful if you tune in to the frequency of your inner guide. Serve your intuition, serve your heart and let the mind follow.

➡️ Now we get to pause in the most indulgent way, delight your senses and expand our physical realities. Really begin to embody all the work you did during eclipse season without any apology.

➡️ This Taurus New Moon will assist you in deepening your relationship with your body and expressing your most potent and authentic self.

➡️ Give ideas and visions shape, form and structure from this rooted place of abundance and possibility, feeling connected to all the resources and gifts of nature.

🦋 JOIN THE FREE LIVE New Moon Intention Setting Ritual and Practice, this Saturday. We'll have journaling and breathwork, clear energy and set intentions for this new moon cycle and 28 Day Practice Challenge.

➡️ Get your free copy of The Intention Planner and Journal for feminine leadership using the link below. It's the most beautiful, intentional planner yet with weekly themes and daily tracking to support your purpose and grow your gifts.


Every New Moon cycle I release a new free Intention Planner for you to expand spiritually and lead feeling aligned and confident. I'm fully devoted to making this work available to everyone because I believe every single one of us have gifts that are valuable and needed now. To support you and your vision and to help build your network of brilliant women in leadership, I created this free 28 Day Intention Planner and community.

Why a 28 Day Intention Planner instead of a month? I wanted to honor the moon phases. While you can begin using this journal at any time I encourage you to begin on the New Moon when intention setting is most potent and allows you to harness the extra energy of the collective.

It includes my five step sequence to intention setting, using the energy of the new moon. This one is in Aquarius and it's SO good, with tracking to support your next evolution of growth and success. All you have to do is click the button to download yours! I'm so excited to share it with you, I hope you love it and enjoy using it!

Please feel free to reply to the email once you receive your planner and let me know what comes through for you. Ready to dive deeper and go further? There's three ways you can work with me directly. The Feminine Leadership Immersion, Mastermind or 1:1 Coaching.


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